Any man could, if he were so inclined, be the sculptor of his own brain.

— Santiago Ramon y Cajal


What we do

Brain Spark facilitate 90 minute, high-energy, razor sharp, brain-based, targeted learning workshops that create peak results in key life, work and interpersonal skill performance areas through the lens of neuroscience. Innovative, accelerated learning in high quality quick bursts – Brain Spark Workshops fit in with your business and your team’s workload – low time investment for high return of increased performance and business results. Brain Spark Workshops are designed and facilitated with a brain-friendly approach that utilises contemporary neuroscience insights to provide learning that:

  • is practical, highly interactive and optimises participants’ learning so that they not only know differently but they can DO differently. 

  • provides participants with a peek into the inner workings of their own, and others’, brains. 

  • shows participants the limitations of their brain and how at times their brain sabotages their success 

  • helps participants understand the phenomenal potential of their brain, how to harness their brain power and how to work with their brain to achieve peak skill performance in each of the Brain Spark topics and therefore increase your business results.


How we do it

Each Brain Spark Workshop:

  • is designed using key neuroscience-based learning principles that leverage neuroplasticity (the brain’s ability to rewire itself to create a new habit/behaviour).

  • enables participants to create new thoughts, mindsets, abilities and habits in less than 2 hours through new neural pathways and skills.

  • is followed up by Brain Snacks – ongoing self-paced, engaging learning related to the workshop topic. Brain Snacks support and embed workshop learning to enable immediate, positive action and impact by the participant.


Would you like your employees to develop fresh skills and learn new behaviours so that they can perform at their peak? 

Are you ready for new levels of success in your organisation?


Brain Spark Workshop topics

The Neuroscience of:

  • Conflict Management

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Peak Mental Health

  • Diversity and Inclusion – reducing unconscious bias

  • Managing Challenging Customers

  • Assertiveness

  • Influencing for Success

  • Sales

  • Customer Service

  • Leading Change

  • Communication

  • Leading Others

  • Time Management, Productivity and Focus

  • Giving and Receiving Feedback

  • Courageous Conversations

  • Managing Performance

  • Creating a Leading Safety Culture

  • High Performing Teams

Brain Spark — transformation through insight, connection and education.
For more information and to confirm a Brain Spark Workshop for your business please contact us today.